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Looking for the perfect travel bags and luggage for your next trip? Then, travel bags & luggage price in UAE can significantly impact your decision-making process. But where can you buy travel luggage bags online at the best prices? That’s where Buymode comes in with a range of travel bags and luggage from renowned brands like Stargold, Viptour, Starlife, etc. Whether you are looking for a rolling-to-baby backpack or hardshell to soft-side luggage, we have the perfect option to ensure your travels are both stylish and hassle-free.
حقيبة عربة VIPTOUR، مجموعة مكونة من 3 قطع، 8 عجلات، هيكل 100% من البولي كربونات، خفيفة الوزن ومتينة، VT-PC425 أسود
العلامة التجارية: VIPTOUR الموديل: VT - PC424 ال...
46% off799.00AED
حقيبة عربة VIPTOUR، طقم مكون من 3 قطع، 8 عجلات، هيكل 100% من البولي كربونات، خفيف الوزن ومتين، VT-PC424 رمادي داكن
العلامة التجارية: VIPTOUR الموديل: VT - PC424 ال...
46% off799.00AED
مجموعة حقائب سفر بعجلات من VIPTOUR ABS مكونة من 3 قطع، قفل أرقام، 4 عجلات دوارة، VT-A395 وردي وردي
العلامة التجارية: فيبتور رمز المنتج: VT-A395 نوع...
48% off499.00AED
مجموعة حقائب سفر بعجلات من STARGOLD مكونة من 4 قطع، مادة ABS متينة، سحاب قابل للتوسيع، قفل مركب، دوران 360 درجة، 4 عجلات، خفيفة الوزن، SG-T95D PALE MAVUE
العلامة التجارية: ستارجولد اسم الموديل: SG-T95D ...
38% off599.00AED
مجموعة حقائب سفر بعجلات من STARGOLD مكونة من 4 قطع، مادة ABS متينة، سحاب قابل للتوسيع، قفل مركب، دوران 360 درجة، 4 عجلات، خفيفة الوزن، SG-T95D زيتوني
العلامة التجارية: ستارجولد اسم الموديل: SG-T95D ...
38% off599.00AED
مجموعة حقائب سفر بعجلات من VIPTOUR ABS مكونة من 3 قطع، قفل أرقام، 4 عجلات دوارة، VT-A393
رمز المنتج: VT-A393 أزرق فاتح • الحجم: 20 بوصة، 2...
48% off499.00AED
مجموعة الأمتعة ذات الغلاف الصلب المكونة من 3 قطع من STARLIFE ، مادة ABS، حقيبة سفر بقفل الأرقام، خفيفة الوزن وقابلة للتوسيع ومتينة، وعجلات دوارة 360°، SL-TR36
العلامة التجارية: ستارجولد الموديل: SL-TR36 المو...
41% off499.00AED
مجموعة أمتعة ستار جولد المكونة من 3 قطع ذات هيكل صلب، مادة ABS+PC، حقيبة سفر بقفل TSA، خفيفة الوزن، قابلة للتوسيع بنسبة 15% ومتينة، عجلات دوارة 360 درجة، SG-TPC47 أبيض
• العلامة التجارية: ستارجولد • الموديل: SG-TPC47 ...
42% off599.00AED
ميزان الأمتعة المحمول STARGOLD، ميزان حقيبة سفر محمول بوزن 50 كجم مع شاشة LCD بإضاءة خلفية وتحويلات 4 وحدات، SG-WHM44
العلامة التجارية: ستارجولد اسم الموديل: SG-WHM44 ...
69% off89.00AED
مجموعة أمتعة STARGOLD PC Hard Side بدون سحاب 2 قطع، حقيبة بعجلات دوارة 360°، SG-PC432
· العلامة التجارية: ستارجولد · اسم الموديل: SG-PC...
45% off449.00AED
مجموعة أمتعة STARGOLD PC Hard Side بدون سحاب 2 قطع، حقيبة بعجلات دوارة 360°، SG-PC431
· العلامة التجارية: ستارجولد · اسم الموديل: SG-PC...
40% off599.00AED
حقيبة أمتعة VIPTOUR مكونة من 3 قطع من TPC وعجلات دوارة 360 درجة وحقيبة سفر قابلة للقفل من TSA، VT-TPC101
•العلامة التجارية: ستارجولد •اسم الموديل: VT-TPC1...
47% off599.00AED
حقيبة أمتعة VIPTOUR مكونة من 3 قطع من TPC وعجلات دوارة 360 درجة وحقيبة سفر قابلة للقفل من TSA، VT-TPC100
تخصيص: •العلامة التجارية: ستارجولد •اسم الموديل:...
42% off599.00AED
مجموعة أمتعة VIPTOUR ABS Hard Side مكونة من 4 قطع مع قفل الأرقام مع 4 عجلات دوارة، VT-A389
مواصفة: • العلامة التجارية: فيبتور • رمز SKU الم...
35% off499.00AED
حقيبة الأمتعة STARLIFE 3 قطع مجموعة 20/24/28 بوصة ABS Hardside مع حقيبة سفر عجلات دوارة 360 درجة قابلة للقفل ، SL-TR26
العلامة التجارية: فيبتور رمز المنتج: SL-TR26 حجم...
41% off419.00AED
STARGOLD أفضل مجموعة الأمتعة من 4 PCS ABS Hardside خفيفة الوزن 360° 4 عجلات دوارة وحقيبة سفر قفل الأرقام، SG-T88D (AB) أسود
العلامة التجارية: ستارجولد اسم الموديل: SG-T88D (...
37% off599.00AED
STARGOLD مجموعة حقائب من 4 قطع من نسيج البوليستر مع 4 عجلات دوارة وأفضل حقيبة سفر قابلة للقفل ، SG-T74
•العلامة التجارية: STARGOLD •اسم النموذج: SG-T74 ...
41% off699.00AED
العنوان: ستارغولد ب الجانب الصلب الأمتعة مجموعة من 3 قطع حقيبة 360° عجلات الدوار مزدوجة مع قفل تسا، سغ-بVT-PP405 أسود
المواصفات: علامة تجارية: ستارغولد اسم الموديل: س...
50% off599.00AED
العنوان: ستارغولد ب الجانب الصلب الأمتعة مجموعة من 3 قطع حقيبة 360° عجلات الدوار مزدوجة مع قفل تسا، سغ-ب64 أسود
المواصفات: علامة تجارية: ستارغولد اسم الموديل: س...
42% off499.00AED
العنوان: ستارغولد ب الجانب الصلب الأمتعة مجموعة من 3 قطع حقيبة 360° عجلات الدوار مزدوجة مع قفل تسا، سغ-ب60 أسود
المواصفات: علامة تجارية: ستارغولد اسم الموديل: س...
60% off715.00AED
STARGOLD ABS و PC حقيبة محمولة بأربع عجلات مزدوجة مع رقم قفل أمتعة السفر ، SG-T73D
مواصفات: • العلامة التجارية: ستارجولد • اسم المو...
40% off165.00AED
STARGOLD ABS و PC حقيبة محمولة بأربع عجلات مزدوجة مع رقم قفل أمتعة السفر ، SG-T73D
مواصفات: • العلامة التجارية: ستارجولد • اسم المو...
40% off165.00AED
VIPTOUR PC مجموعة الأمتعة الجانبية الصلبة من 3 قطع حقيبة 360 درجة عجلات دوارة وحقيبة سفر نظام قابل للقفل ، VT-PC414
مواصفات: ·العلامة التجارية: فيبتور · اسم الموديل...
43% off699.00AED
حقيبة الأمتعة VIPTOUR 3 قطع مجموعة 20/24/28 بوصة ABS Hardside مع حقيبة سفر عجلات دوارة 360 درجة قابلة للقفل ، VT-T502
العلامة التجارية: فيبتور رمز المنتج: VT-T502 حجم...
50% off400.00AED
مجموعة حقائب سفر ستار جولد ABS ذات الجانب الصلب مكونة من 4 قطع عجلات دوارة 360 درجة، SG-T92D-B، أسود
مواصفات: العلامة التجارية: ستارجولد اسم الموديل:...
37% off600.00AED
ستارجولد طقم حقائب سفر من 3 قطع ABS مع عجلات دوارة 360 درجة وحقيبة سفر بنظام قفل الأرقام ، SG-T82D
مواصفات: العلامة التجارية: ستارجولد اسم الموديل:...
42% off450.00AED
حقيبة VIPTOUR ABS ذات الجانب الصلب للمقصورة 360 درجة دوارة 4 عجلات مع قفل رقم لحقائب السفر، VT-A507 أسود
تخصيص: ● العلامة التجارية: VIPTOUR ● اسم الموديل...
41% off150.00AED
حقيبة حمل من ستار جولد، مقاس 20 بوصة من الجانب الصلب ABS، حقيبة سفر ذات عجلات دوارة 360 درجة، SG-T80D-C ضباب أزرق
● العلامة التجارية: ستارجولد ● اسم الموديل: SG-T8...
34% off149.00AED
حقيبة حمل من ستار جولد، مقاس 20 بوصة من الجانب الصلب ABS، حقيبة سفر ذات عجلات دوارة 360 درجة، SG-T80D-D أزرق
● العلامة التجارية: ستارجولد ● اسم الموديل: SG-T8...
34% off149.00AED
حقيبة ظهر للكمبيوتر المحمول من قماش البوليستر الأنيقة من STARGOLD مقاس 19.5 بوصة حقيبة سفر متعددة الاستخدامات ، SG-BP230 أرجواني
تخصيص: • الماركة: STARGOLD • اسم الموديل: SG-BP2...
45% off100.00AED
حقيبة الأمتعة STARGOLD TPC حقيبة صلبة 360 درجة عجلات دوارة ونظام قابل للقفل أمتعة السفر ، SG-TPC36 أصفر
مواصفات: العلامة التجارية: ستارجولد رمز المنتج: ...
35% off350.00AED
حقيبة الأمتعة STARGOLD TPC حقيبة صلبة 360 درجة عجلات دوارة ونظام قابل للقفل أمتعة السفر ، SG-TPC36 Fruie Green
مواصفات: العلامة التجارية: ستارجولد رمز المنتج: ...
35% off350.00AED
حقيبة الأمتعة STARGOLD TPC حقيبة صلبة 360 درجة عجلات دوارة وقفل TSA أمتعة السفر ، SG-TPC38
مواصفات: العلامة التجارية: ستارجولد رمز المنتج: ...
37% off350.00AED
مجموعة حقائب سفر من VIPTOUR مكونة من 3 قطع مع 4 عجلات دوارة، VT-PP403، ذهبي وردي
العلامة التجارية: فيبتور اسم الموديل: VT-PP403 ح...
48% off599.00AED
حقيبة أمتعة ستار جولد مكونة من 3 قطع TPC عجلات دوارة 360 درجة وحقيبة سفر قابلة للقفل من TSA، SG-TPC43
العلامة التجارية: ستارجولد اسم الموديل: SG-TPC43 ...
43% off649.00AED
حقيبة الأمتعة STARGOLD 3 قطع مجموعة TPC عجلات دوارة 360 درجة وحقيبة سفر قابلة للقفل TPC ، SG-TPC42 فضي
العلامة التجارية: ستارجولد اسم الموديل: SG-TPC42 ...
44% off600.00AED
حقيبة أمتعة ستار جولد مكونة من 3 قطع TPC عجلات دوارة 360 درجة وحقيبة سفر قابلة للقفل من TSA، SG-TPC42
العلامة التجارية: ستارجولد اسم الموديل: SG-TPC42 ...
60% off719.00AED
Buymode is offering an incredible deal of up to 65% off on a wide selection of travel bags and luggage in the UAE. This offer includes all of our bags and luggage so that you can find great options to suit your needs at affordable prices. With a variety of styles, sizes, and brands, we want to ensure you can buy travel luggage online easily from us. Our collection includes single luggage bags and luggage sets, hard cases and soft side luggage, carry-on luggage, baby backpacks, etc.
Finding the perfect travel bags and luggage can make all the difference in your journey, whether it's for business, leisure, or a quick weekend getaway. Take a look at our top products, including travel bags & luggage prices in UAE:
Product Name | Features | Price (AED) |
Stargold 4 Piece Hard Shell Trolley Luggage Set |
| 379.00 AED |
Stargold PC Hard Side Zipperless 2 PCS Luggage Set |
| 359.00 AED |
Viptour Luggage Bag 3 PCS |
| 349.00 AED |
Viptour ABS Hard Side 4 Piece Luggage Set |
| 339.00 AED |
Starlife 4 Piece Hard Shell Trolley Luggage |
| 319.00 AED |
We feature top-quality brands known for their durability, design, and functionality, ensuring that you can travel with peace of mind. Whether you prefer hardshell luggage for maximum protection, soft-sided bags for flexibility, or rolling backpacks for easy mobility, we have the perfect match for your travel style. Explore our collection to find the ideal luggage at competitive prices, and make your next journey hassle-free:
Our carry-on luggage options are perfect for those short trips or quick getaways, and they are designed to meet airline size regulations. With spacious compartments and smooth maneuverability, these carry-on bags make packing and traveling effortless.
From business trips to casual adventures, our backpacks provide versatile storage and comfort. Lightweight yet durable, these backpacks ensure you can carry your laptops and other essentials easily while on the move.
Our luggage sets offer a complete solution for all your travel needs, with various sizes to accommodate different trip durations. These sets are designed for maximum efficiency and organization, making packing and traveling easy.
The single luggage bags we feature come in various sizes to suit your travel style, whether you're heading on a short business trip or a long vacation. Built for durability and convenience, these bags ensure your belongings stay secure and organized.
Hard case luggage offers superior protection for your belongings with its sturdy, impact-resistant design. These cases are perfect for travelers who prioritize security and durability, keeping your items safe from rough handling.
Soft-side luggage is lightweight and flexible, offering ample packing space and being easy to store. Ideal for those who need to fit a bit more in, these bags are perfect for long trips or unpredictable packing needs.
Designed specifically for parents on the go, our baby backpacks provide convenient storage for your child's essentials. With easy access and comfortable carrying options, these backpacks make traveling with little ones stress-free.
No matter your travel style or destination, we have the perfect travel bags and luggage to meet your needs. With our wide selection of top-quality products, you can rest assured that your belongings will be secure, organized, and easily accessible throughout your journey. As we offer the highest discount, you do not have to stress with the travel bags & luggage prices in UAE.
Choosing the right travel bags or luggage that meets both your functional and style needs is not always easy. With so many options available in the UAE market, it can be a challenge for some buyers. We’ve come up with some key points to consider when looking to buy a travel bag online. Consider the following factors:
First of all, you need to consider for which purpose you are buying a bag or luggage. If your trip requires frequent travel by air, you can choose from a travel bag set. It offers spacious compartments and protection for larger items, making it perfect for longer trips or those needing to carry a lot of belongings.
In contrast, backpacks are more suited for short trips, day excursions, or adventurous travel due to their portability, comfort, and ease of access to essentials. If mobility is a priority for your trip, a quality backpack will give you more flexibility, allowing you to move freely through crowded spaces.
The size of your travel bag is essential depending on the length and type of trip you're taking. For short getaways, a small carry-on may suffice, while longer trips may require a larger suitcase. You need to measure the size and capacity based on your needs and travel regulations. Here is a small chart on the size of travel bags and luggage:
Category | Average Size |
Carry-on Luggage | 20" |
Backpacks | 15.6”-22” |
Luggage set | 20”-32” |
Single Luggage | 24” |
Hardcase Luggage | 20”-28” |
Softside Luggage | 20”-32” |
Baby Backpack | 12”-16” |
The next important factor after size is durability and material. It directly impacts how well your bag will withstand the hardship of travel. The durability of your luggage largely depends on the material it is made from. Here are the details:
You’ll find two types of luggage based on their materials available online. One is hardshell and another is soft side luggage. Hardshell luggage is typically made from polycarbonate or ABS which provides excellent protection against impacts.
Polycarbonate is particularly known for its flexibility and strength, while ABS offers a more affordable option, though slightly less durable. On the other hand, soft-shell luggage is made from materials like nylon or ballistic nylon.
Durable backpacks come from either nylon or polyester materials, both of which are known for their resilience and lightweight properties. Nylon is especially popular for its strength, water resistance, and tear resistance.
If you prefer more affordable travel bags in UAE then polyester will be a good option. Polyester is known for its excellent resistance to fading, stretching, and mildew. While slightly less durable than nylon, polyester is still a strong and reliable material.
Wheels and maneuverability come into consideration when you choose a backpack or luggage for strolling. Its wheel system is important to ensure ease of movement. Rolling backpacks typically come with 2 wheels, while most luggage options feature 4 wheels for better stability and smoother movement.
2-wheeled luggage is ideal for rough or uneven terrain, but it requires more effort to steer around tight corners and crowded spaces. On the other hand, 4-wheeled luggage, or "spinner" luggage, offers superior maneuverability with wheels that rotate 360 degrees. When choosing between 2-wheeled and 4-wheeled luggage or backpacks, consider your travel environment and maneuverability needs.
Handles play a crucial role in how easy and comfortable it is to carry or maneuver your luggage. Telescopic handles with multiple height adjustments are ideal for rolling backpacks or luggage, allowing you to customize the length based on your height and comfort. Look for handles that lock into place securely to avoid them sliding down during use.
To ensure comfort, consider ergonomically designed handles that feature soft padding or rubberized grips, which reduce hand strain during long-distance hauling. Also, pay attention to the material of the handles. Handles made from aluminum or steel tend to be more durable and can withstand the stress of frequent use.
Since the zipper of a travel bag or luggage is frequently used during travel, it is necessary to take zipper quality into consideration. A poor-quality zipper can lead to frustration, delays, and even damage to your belongings. To prevent this, choose your travel bag or luggage with a sturdy, smooth-operating zipper.
Zippers that are reinforced with extra stitching to prevent tearing ensure they are designed to resist jamming or breaking, especially during heavy use. For luggage, you should consider lockable zippers. These zippers allow you to use a travel lock to secure your belongings, providing an extra layer of protection from theft.
The safety of your belongings should be the top priority when traveling. Look for travel bags and luggage with built-in security features such as lockable zippers, which allow you to secure your bag with a combination or key lock.
You can keep your baggage more secure with TSA-approved locks. These locks are designed to be opened by TSA agents using a master key during security screenings, so you don't have to worry about your lock being forcibly damaged.
The number and design of storage compartments are essential for keeping your belongings organized. For ease of packing, look for bags with multiple compartments, including inner zippered pockets, mesh dividers, and external compartments for easy access to frequently used items.
Well-designed compartments help you pack efficiently and ensure that everything has its place, from clothes and toiletries to documents and electronics. Ensure that the compartments are secure and easy to close, preventing items from spilling out during transit.
To ensure you get a high-quality and reliable product, you must consider brand reputation and warranty. Well-known brands often have a track record of providing durable and functional products, backed by positive customer reviews and strong warranties.
So, you need to consider brands that offer customer support and a clear return policy in case your luggage doesn’t meet expectations. Selecting well-known, trusted brands like Stargold, Starlife, or Viptour can save you from potential frustrations and add value to your travel experience.
Your budget plays a vital role in determining the type and quality of travel bags or luggage you can purchase. While it may be tempting to go for the most affordable option, remember that investing in higher-quality luggage can save you money in the long run by ensuring durability and reliability over multiple trips.
By taking the time to assess these aspects, you can ensure that your luggage meets both your functional and aesthetic needs, making your travels more convenient and enjoyable. So, consider these facts along with travel bags & luggage prices in UAE to maximize your travel experience.
Gearing up for your next trip means choosing the right luggage to ensure convenience and comfort. We offer a wide variety of high-quality travel bags and luggage, making it easier than ever to find the perfect option for your needs. Here are the reasons why you need to buy travel luggage online from us:
We offer a diverse collection of travel bags and luggage from top global brands. Whether you’re looking for hard-shell luggage, soft-sided bags, or stylish backpacks, you’ll find the perfect match for your travel preferences. Our extensive range ensures that there’s something for every traveler, no matter your destination or travel style.
Buymode provides top-quality bags and luggage at affordable prices, ensuring that you get great value for your money. Our collection of travel bags in UAE ranges from AED 55 to 429 AED, providing options to fit a variety of budgets and travel needs. With our ongoing discounts and promotions, you can shop for high-end travel bags without worrying about travel bags and luggage prices in the UAE.
Among our travel bags and luggage collection, we are careful to include only the most durable and reliable products. Our products are designed to withstand the wear and tear of frequent travel, ensuring that your belongings remain safe and secure. Whether it’s the material or construction, you can trust that our products will perform under various conditions.
We believe that convenience should be part of the shopping experience, which is why we offer free shipping on orders above 99 AED in our store. Once you place your order, you can expect quick delivery across the Middle East. No matter where you're located in this region, your travel bags and luggage will be delivered directly to your door without any additional shipping costs.
Shopping through our website is hassle-free with secure payment methods available, including credit and debit cards, and other trusted payment gateways. We prioritize your security and privacy, ensuring a safe and smooth checkout process. You can shop with confidence knowing your personal and payment information is protected.
We have a dedicated customer support team that is always ready to assist you with any inquiries or concerns. Whether you need help with choosing the right luggage, understanding product features, or tracking your order, our experts are available to guide you every step of the way. We aim to provide exceptional customer service to better your shopping experience.
Our user-friendly website makes shopping for travel bags and luggage simple and enjoyable. With detailed product descriptions, images, and easy navigation, you can find the perfect bag with minimal effort. Whether you’re at home or on the go, shopping for luggage with us is convenient and time-saving.
We stand behind the quality of our travel bags and luggage with warranties on most products. If you’re not satisfied with your purchase or if any issues arise, our hassle-free return policy ensures that you can return or exchange the product with ease. Your satisfaction is our top priority.
Buymode makes finding the perfect travel bags and luggage a hassle-free experience. With a vast selection, competitive pricing, fast delivery, and secure payment options, we ensure you get top-quality travel bags and luggage for your trips. Trust us for all your luggage needs and enjoy the peace of mind that comes with it. Explore our range and travel in style.
Selecting the right travel bags and luggage is essential for a smooth travel experience in the UAE. With numerous options available in the market, you have to consider trusted brands known for their durability, style, and functionality. The following brands offer high-quality travel solutions for everyone.
Stargold is a trusted brand in the UAE, offering durable and stylish travel bags and luggage. Known for their quality manufacturing, Stargold products feature strong construction, making them ideal for both short trips and long vacations. With options ranging from hard-shell suitcases to soft-sided duffels, Stargold combines functionality with modern design. The brand is popular for providing reliable travel accessories at competitive prices, ensuring your belongings stay safe and organized during any journey.
Viptour is a leading brand in travel luggage, offering a range of high-quality, versatile bags. Their travel bags and suitcases are designed for comfort and ease, featuring lightweight frames and sturdy exteriors to withstand the rigors of travel. Viptour products often include smart organizational compartments to keep your belongings neat and accessible. With a variety of colors and sizes available, Viptour offers both style and practicality for travelers who seek a dependable luggage solution.
Starlife is renowned for producing durable and affordable travel bags and luggage in the UAE. Whether you need a spacious suitcase for long vacations or a compact carry-on for weekend trips, Starlife provides a broad selection of travel solutions. The brand’s products are designed for durability, often featuring scratch-resistant materials and easy-to-roll wheels for smoother handling. Starlife is a go-to choice for budget-conscious travelers who do not want to compromise on quality and style.
Para John is a globally recognized brand offering superior luggage and travel bags in the UAE. Known for their premium materials and superior design, Para John bags are both practical and stylish, making them a favorite among frequent flyers. Their travel bags come equipped with advanced features such as multi-directional wheels, telescopic handles, and spacious interiors. Para John products are built to endure the demands of travel while providing maximum convenience, making them a great investment for travelers seeking long-lasting durability.
American Tourister is one of the most trusted names in luggage worldwide, and it holds a strong reputation in the UAE market. Offering an extensive range of high-quality travel bags and luggage, American Tourister ensures durability without sacrificing style. Their products come in various designs, from smooth carry-ons to expansive checked luggage, perfect for different travel needs. With advanced features like lightweight frames, smooth-rolling wheels, and secure zippers, American Tourister is the go-to brand for travelers seeking reliable and fashionable luggage solutions.
By investing your time and effort into these brands, you can find your preferred travel bags and luggage in UAE—that’s what we believe. Each of these brands represents a commitment to quality, innovation, and traveler satisfaction. Whether you’re planning a short weekend getaway or a month-long adventure, these top brands provide the best luggage options to keep your belongings secure and organized.
Have questions about shopping with Buymode? We've compiled the most common inquiries to help you find the information you need quickly. From product details to shipping and returns, our FAQs are here to make your experience smooth and enjoyable.
Buymode offers a diverse selection of travel bags and luggage, including hard-shell suitcases, carry-on, and trolly bags. We carry a variety of sizes, colors, and designs to meet different travel needs. Whether you're going on a short weekend trip or an extended vacation, you'll find the perfect option for your journey.
The size of your luggage depends on the length and type of your trip. For short getaways, a small carry-on may be sufficient, while longer vacations might require a larger suitcase. We offer various sizes, and you can check the dimensions to make sure the bag fits your travel needs.
Many of the travel bags and luggage available at Buymode feature water-resistant properties to protect your belongings. Some items also come with rain covers or special coatings that help keep moisture away. Check the product descriptions for specific water-resistance details, ensuring your items stay dry during your travels.
Yes, we regularly offer discounts and promotions on travel bags and luggage. We’re offering up to 65% deals on our travel bags and luggage products, allowing you to save on your purchase. Be sure to check our website frequently to keep updated on our luggage and travel bag prices in the UAE.
Delivery times vary depending on your location, but most orders are delivered within 2-5 business days. You will receive an estimated delivery time during checkout, so you can plan accordingly. We ensure fast and reliable delivery to get your luggage to you as quickly as possible.
Yes, Buymode offers a selection of eco-friendly travel bags made from sustainable materials. These eco-conscious options allow you to travel responsibly without sacrificing style or durability. By choosing these products, you can contribute to reducing environmental impact while enjoying high-quality luggage.
After your order is dispatched, you will receive a tracking number via email or SMS. You can use this tracking number to monitor the status of your delivery on the courier’s website. This ensures you stay informed about your shipment and its expected arrival.
If you receive a damaged or defective travel bag or luggage, please contact our customer support team immediately. We will guide you through the process of returning or exchanging the item. We ensure that our products meet high-quality standards, but in case of any issues, we’ll make sure to resolve them promptly.
Travel bags and luggage are essential for any trip, as they provide the necessary organization and security for your belongings. Whether you're traveling for business, leisure, or a weekend getaway, the right luggage ensures that your items remain safe, accessible, and well-protected. From lightweight rolling backpacks to durable carry-on luggage, choosing the right travel bag can make all the difference in how comfortable and convenient your journey will be. When looking for the best value, be sure to check the travel bags & luggage prices in UAE on Buymode to get competitive offers.