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Free shipping on orders over 9.9 BHD.
Free shipping on orders over 9.9 BHD.
طباخ ضغط الغاز STARGOLD هيكل من الفولاذ المقاوم للصدأ سعة 3 لتر، SG-GPC021
تخصيص: •العلامة التجارية: ستارجولد •اسم الموديل:...
50% off11.00BHD
مطحنة خلاط ستارجولد تيار متردد 220-240 فولت 2 في 1 من الفولاذ المقاوم للصدأ، 2 وعاء خلاط للجسم، محرك قوي 600 وات، SG-1312 MAX أخضر فاتح
المواصفات: علامة تجارية: ستارغولد سكو: سغ-1312 م...
46% off22.00BHD
ستارجولد جهاز طبخ الأرز 1.8 لتر أوتوماتيكي 700 وات، طباخ متعدد 220-240 فولت للطهي الصحي، أبيض، SG-318
المواصفات: العلامة التجارية: ستارجولد رمز المنتج...
41% off18.00BHD
موقد غاز ستارلايف ستانلس ستيل 2 شعلة، تصميم مريح، إشعال تلقائي، SL-1118
• العلامة التجارية: ستارغولد • رمز المنتج: SL-111...
49% off16.00BHD
العنوان 1: ستارجولد عصارة طاحونة 2 في 1 الفولاذ المقاوم للصدأ 2 جرة الجسم خلاط 500 واط قوية محرك كوبر، سغ-1317
المواصفات: علامة تجارية: ستارغولد رمز المنتج: إس...
43% off15.00BHD
العنوان: انخفاض استهلاك الإشعال التلقائي الفولاذ المقاوم للصدأ 1 موقد غاز الموقد، SL-2221
مواصفة: • رمز SKU المنتج: SL-2221 • المواد: زجاج...
50% off10.00BHD
فرن ميكروويف ستار جولد، تحكم ميكانيكي، سعة 25 لتر، خرج 850 واط، إعداد إذابة الثلج، مؤقت 35 دقيقة، SG-2243MC
العلامة التجارية: ستار جولد اللون: أسود الموديل:...
42% off50.00BHD
طباخ ستار جولد قائم بذاته، أربع شعلات غاز مع إشعال بيد واحدة، دعامة مقلاة من الحديد الزهر، فرن غاز + شواية، سعة 80 لتر، أرجل قابلة للتعديل، SG-FS6060GC
العلامة التجارية: ستار جولد الموديل: SG-FS6060GC ...
51% off200.00BHD
غلاية كهربائية STARGOLD، سعة 1.8 لتر، 1500 واط، ستانلس ستيل، غليان سريع، إغلاق تلقائي، تصميم لاسلكي مثالي للمنزل والمكتب، SG-1442
العلامة التجارية: ستارجولد الموديل: SG-1442 السع...
48% off6.00BHD
مكواة بخار جافة ورطبة مع وظيفة التنظيف الذاتي التحكم في درجة الحرارة قابل للتعديل السيراميك Soleplate 3000 W، SG-980 أسود
• مواصفة: • العلامة التجارية: ستارجولد • رقم الم...
46% off13.00BHD
مطحنة ستارجولد 450 واط من الفولاذ المقاوم للصدأ مع جرة سعة 800 مل، محرك نحاسي قوي، تحكم في النبض، SG-281CG
العلامة التجارية: ستارجولد اسم الموديل: SG-281CG ...
49% off20.00BHD
قطاعة طعام من ستارجولد، سعة 2 لتر، محرك 350 وات، شفرات مزدوجة من الفولاذ المقاوم للصدأ، غلاف ABS، تحضير سريع وفعال للوجبات، SG-261FC
العلامة التجارية: ستار جولد الموديل: SG-261FC ال...
45% off12.00BHD
Juicer Blender 550 Watts with 2 Unbreakable Jar – SG-1363 2 IN 1 Black
• 550W Powerful motor • 6 speeds with pulse fu...
47% off18.00BHD
Juicer Blender 550 Watts with 2 Unbreakable Jar – SG-1363 2 IN 1 White
• 550W Powerful motor • 6 speeds with pulse fu...
47% off18.00BHD
خلاط ستار جولد 3 في 1، سعة 1.5 لتر، 600 وات، عصارة، مطحنة، مفرمة مع شفرات من الفولاذ المقاوم للصدأ، قفل أمان، وظيفة النبض، SG-1355 EDGE BLACK
العلامة التجارية: ستارجولد الموديل: SG-1355 EDGE ...
49% off20.00BHD
خلاط ستار جولد 3 في 1، سعة 1.5 لتر، 600 وات، عصارة، مطحنة، مفرمة مع شفرات من الفولاذ المقاوم للصدأ، قفل أمان، وظيفة النبض، SG-1355 EDGE WHITE
العلامة التجارية: ستارجولد الموديل: SG-1355 EDGE ...
49% off20.00BHD
خلاط ستار جولد 3 في 1، سعة 1.5 لتر، 600 وات، عصارة ومطحنة ومفرمة، جهاز مطبخ متعدد الوظائف، SG-1353 PLUS أخضر
العلامة التجارية: ستارجولد الموديل: SG-1353 بلس ...
49% off20.00BHD
خلاط ستار جولد 3 في 1، سعة 1.5 لتر، 600 وات، عصارة ومطحنة ومفرمة، جهاز مطبخ متعدد الوظائف، SG-1353 PLUS أسود
العلامة التجارية: ستارجولد الموديل: SG-1353 بلس ...
48% off20.00BHD
خلاط ستار جولد 2 في 1، سعة 1.5 لتر، 650 وات، وظيفة النبض، سهل التنظيف، خلاط متعدد الأغراض للعصائر والشوربات والصلصات والمزيد، SG-1352 MAX Mint
العلامة التجارية: ستارجولد الموديل: SG-1352 ماكس ...
44% off14.00BHD
خلاط ستار جولد 2 في 1، سعة 1.5 لتر، 650 وات، وظيفة النبض، سهل التنظيف، خلاط متعدد الأغراض للعصائر والحساء والصلصات والمزيد، SG-1352 MAX عنابي
العلامة التجارية: ستارجولد الموديل: SG-1352 ماكس ...
44% off14.00BHD
مجموعة خلاط كونترتوب ستارغولد 2 قطعة 400 واط، SG-1323 ذهبي
العلامة التجارية: ستارجولد اسم الموديل: SG-1323 ...
44% off14.00BHD
مجموعة خلاط كونترتوب ستارغولد 2 قطعة 400 واط، SG-1323 ذهبي
العلامة التجارية: ستارجولد اسم الموديل: SG-1323 ...
44% off14.00BHD
ستارجولد مقلاة هوائية 7 لتر 1800 واط تحكم في درجة الحرارة مع وظيفة الموقت و قلاية مؤشر الطاقة، SG-2227DC BLACK
مواصفات: • العلامة التجارية: ستارجولد • السعة: 7...
50% off60.00BHD
مفرمة طعام كهربائية ستارجولد، 350 وات، سعة 500 مل، شفرات من الفولاذ المقاوم للصدأ، تشغيل بسرعتين، SG-253HB
العلامة التجارية: ستارجولد الموديل: SG-253HB قوة...
49% off15.00BHD
جهاز طبخ الأرز الكهربائي الأوتوماتيكي من ستار جولد سعة 1.5 لتر، وعاء داخلي غير لاصق، لوح تسخين من الألومنيوم، مع كوب قياس وملعقة، SG-321 أزرق
العلامة التجارية: ستارجولد الموديل: SG-321 القوة...
43% off15.00BHD
جهاز طهي الأرز الصغير STARGOLD سعة 0.6 لتر، وعاء غير لاصق، سلة باخرة، وظيفة الحفاظ على الدفء، تشغيل بلمسة واحدة، لوجبات سريعة وسهلة 350 وات، SG-306
العلامة التجارية: ستارجولد الموديل: SG-306 القوة...
42% off13.00BHD
طنجرة ضغط غاز ألومنيوم سوبر سعة 15 لتر من ستارجولد، سهلة التنظيف، طهي سريع وفعال
العلامة التجارية: ستارجولد السعة: 15 لتر المواد:...
53% off25.00BHD
طباخ ضغط الغاز STARGOLD هيكل من الفولاذ المقاوم للصدأ سعة 11 لتر، SG-GPC025
تخصيص: •العلامة التجارية: ستارجولد •اسم الموديل:...
54% off23.00BHD
طباخ ضغط الغاز STARGOLD هيكل من الفولاذ المقاوم للصدأ سعة 9 لتر، SG-GPC024
تخصيص: •العلامة التجارية: ستارجولد •اسم الموديل:...
62% off25.00BHD
طباخ ضغط الغاز STARGOLD هيكل من الفولاذ المقاوم للصدأ سعة 7 لتر، SG-GPC023
تخصيص: •العلامة التجارية: ستارجولد •اسم الموديل:...
50% off15.00BHD
Start cooking with Buymode's carefully chosen selection of appliances. Find everything you need to make cooking a breeze, from top-notch pots and pans to necessary kitchen appliances and utensils. With our premium cookware, you can step up your cooking skills and develop your skills in the kitchen.
Our home cookware is made to improve the effectiveness and enjoyment of cooking, whether you're a home cook or a professional chef. You can select from a range of patterns and colors to fit your taste and make your kitchen seem compatible. With our superb kitchenware products, which are expertly made to make cooking a hassle-free experience, you can precisely prepare all of your favorite meals.
We have the newest technology available in our selection to help you accomplish professional-caliber outcomes in your kitchen. At Buymode, you can get a wide range of kitchenware from leading brands like Stargold, Fissler, Zepter, Victorinox, Ibili, and many more. Explore a large selection of kitchen appliances and cookware products, and take advantage of free delivery on some items.
One of the best things about online shopping is that you can take your time checking the prices of the products before committing.
With so many online shops out there, it will be very easy to do so. So, by doing some research, you can save some of your hard-earned cash.
Sometimes it is very easy to forget about the size and compatibility with kitchen accessories. Yet it is so important to remember this topic.
You don't want to waste your money and time on something that does not fit on your kitchen countertop or any cabinets. Also, you should be careful about not buying unnecessarily big pots or any other needless utensils.
To avoid these kinds of situations, you can always check the dimensions and the measurements of the products on the product description and specifications provided on the online shops.
Our kitchen and kitchen utensils or gear are something we have to use every day. Even multiple times a day. So, the Kitchen tools have to endure a lot of heavy use. To ensure long-term use, you can't compromise the quality of the products.
You have to Look for products that have high-quality materials and robust build. That way those kitchen accessories will be your long-term friends.
After prepping and cooking, we always don't have the time and energy to go on a cleaning spree. But we always do have to clean up, don't we? What you can do to make your life easier is to look for kitchen tools, appliances, and pots that are easy to clean.
Like, look for products that are dishwasher safe. Also, you can choose the appliances that are easy to take apart for cleaning.
It is unfortunate but reality is sometimes disappointing. You might have bought something but it stopped working or does not meet your expectations. It also might come to you damaged.
So, before making the decision to buy the product, you must check for warranty services and also about their return policy.
A multifunctional kitchen gadget has its benefits. It can save you some kitchen space, and also save you some money. So for convenience, you can look for multifunctional gadgets.
Without a doubt, Buymode's online store offers about every product you could need. Specifically, the store has gifts for every imaginable kitchen accessory. We have included information on these products' applications in your kitchen along with the listing. Let's continue to find out the details:
It is a common kitchen appliance that is useful for making foods like burgers and french fries. There are currently four different air fryers available in the store at reasonable prices.
The absence of an effective, multipurpose pressure cooker in the kitchen indicates that it isn't fully functional. Any food may be cooked quickly and with little effort with the help of a pressure cooker.
The rice cooker is comparable to the earlier appliance that we have already discussed. This needs repeating—it's very important. A kitchen is ready for the cook when it has a rice cooker and a pressure cooker.
Because it's an essential and useful kitchen tool, every family needs a micro oven. Customers can currently choose from a variety of high-quality microwave ovens at Buymode Online Shopping.
To chop vegetables, you need to have a high-quality food chopper in your kitchen. You can also chop meat and do other similar tasks. There are currently several varieties of choppers available at Buymode Shopping to meet the increasing demand of customers.
Despite being a more modern kettle, the electric kettle is a must-have for any kitchen because of its many applications. To find your electric kettle, just browse Buymode Shopping's website.
Because they are portable, juicers of any kind are quite useful. You can take portable juice blenders with you to a fitness center or a remote location.
It is without a doubt the most important kitchen tool. One cannot consider a kitchen complete without a gas stove. So, simply visit the website to bring up a high-quality gas stove from Buymode at a fair price right now.
Buymode now offers amazing collections of mixer grinder tools available. Orders for those in search of a high-performing mixer grinder machine need to be placed as soon as possible.
These days, a juicer blender is a necessary kitchen equipment. It is advised that you visit the Buymode Shopping site for the best juicer blender at the most affordable price. There are many various kinds of juicer blenders available right now on the website. Simply choose the item, place your order, and then wait a few days for the product to arrive at your house.
There is no choice for Buymode online shopping, particularly in the Bahrain region, when it comes to premium cookware sets. You can still save money with each item's offered discounted pricing, even though the initial price is probably higher than the regular cost. Thus, for you, this is the best choice.
When it comes to kitchen accessories in particular, it is important to make our kitchen work easily and effectively. The top kitchen accessories that Buymode offers in Bahrain are listed here:
Product Name | Features |
In our shop Buymode, we ensure that our customers get the best products. We always keep kitchen accessories products that are made of high-quality materials.
For that reason, our products are very durable and reliable. So the kitchen gadget will be able to withstand a long time of use.
If you are looking for good quality products that won't empty your pocket, then you have come to the right place. Our Buymode offers high-end products at very reasonable prices.
We also give our customers discounts regularly. Also, we have flash sales for our customers to enjoy. So we hope you won't be disappointed buying from us.
We always keep in mind our precious customers’ shopping experience. We genuinely want you to enjoy your time in Buymode.
So, if you need us with anything, we are only one call away from guiding you through your shopping journey.
Our customers are our pride. We have so many happy and satisfied customers throughout Bahrain. And we have received so many good reviews and ratings from them.
You can always check them out if you need some assurance and to know more about our customer's experience.
We are a Bahrain-based online shop. We want you to get your hands on your purchased product as soon as possible. To ensure that we use the best shipping service company. So you can get our desired product within few days.
We also have a great return facility. For example, if the product does not meet your expectations you can return them. So it will make your shopping experience worry-free.
Sometimes it can be worrying if the payment method is secure or not. But in our Buymode we have very secure payment options.
You can rest assured that your payment information is safe and secure. We offer credit cards and debit cards also you can choose the cash-on-delivery option.
In our online shop, we have a huge range of products. We can offer you so many types of kitchen accessories, from gas stoves to portable juicers.
We have got you covered. We also have provided you with variations of each product. So you can choose what goes with your preference without looking elsewhere.
So, there you have it! You have seen that we have a fantastic selection of sturdy kitchen gadget products in our collection. Here, you can easily find what you need to transform your kitchen without breaking the bank. We also offer competitive prices and customer-friendly discounts regularly.
Plus, with fast delivery and secure payment options, you can shop worry-free. So, find the perfect kitchen gadget from our website for your needs and order without any hassle.
Got questions? We’ve got answers! Here are some common queries about buying kitchen accessories at Buymode to help you shop with confidence. Let’s dive in!
Buymode has a very fast delivery system. You will get your delivery just within a few days in Bahrain.
Yes. You are. We take our product's quality and durability very seriously. So, you can be sure about the quality of our products.
Yes, we do. We offer monthly, weekly even daily discounts. You can see the discounted prices on the products page.
Of course, you can. We have an amazing return policy. You can always reach out to our customer service team for further information if you want to return something.
We accept multiple online payment systems. We also offer cash on delivery.
We have a very wide range of kitchen accessories in Buymode. We have electric ovens, microwave ovens, mixer grinders, blender juicers, pots and pans, air fryers, etc.
Please visit our categories of kitchen accessories on our website for all the products in one place.